Health benefits

It’s even easier for us to get our all-year-round dose of important vitamins when South African stone fruit is available throughout the UK winter and spring.

While no foods can prevent infections and disease, maintaining a healthy diet with nutritious South African fruit could help to support a strong immune system with additional nutrients.

South African stone fruit is always the best choice for snacking - it’s great for adults and kids on the go.


- Ambercrest®

- Temptation

- Earliblush

- Jim Dandy

- Majestic Delight

- Spring Princess

High in vitamin C, which helps our bodies to absorb iron and to increase our immunity to diseases.

  • High in fibre

  • A good source of Vitamin A

  • Low in fat, calories, cholesterol, and sodium

  • High in carotene and potassium


- Fortune

- African Delight®

- Sapphire

- Ruby Sun

- Flavor King

Dark-pigmented fruits like plums are natural skin-boosters as they’re packed with skin-loving vitamins and radiance enhancing carotene.

  • High in fibre

  • An excellent source of vitamin A and C

  • Also a good source of vitamin E

  • High in potassium and carotene

  • Low in fat and calories


- Alpine®

- May Glo

- Tifany

- Royal Ruby

- Super Star

- Flavela

Nectarines are 85% water, keeping us hydrated!

  • High in Vitamin A – essential for boosting immunity